cooperative - working together, flexible - doing different things, being open to doing things in different ways, organized - neat and arranged in an orderly way, dependable - trustworthy, reliable, hardworking - working hard, taking great care to get a task done, pleasant - friendly and nice, motivated - have a strong desire or interest to start and finish a task or goal., efficient - doing your job well and quickly without wasting time or resources., punctual - on time, arriving or doing things at the right time without being late, neat - clean and tidy, co-worker - a person who works with you, colleague, promotion - moving to a higher position or job with more responsibilities and often a higher salary, employee - worker, quality - how good or bad something is, sincere - honest, sales associate - salesperson, letter of recommendation - letter written by someone who knows you well and thinks you are good at something, current - happening or existing now at the present time, dealership - a business that buys and sells products, especially cars,
Qualities of good employees
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