True: The Mona Lisa was originally hung in Napoleon's bedroom before being moved to the Louvre Museum., Peruggia was recruited to manufacture protective cases for the Louvre, therefore it wasn't out of the possibility that he'd be locked up inside the museum., When a worker came across Peruggia in the stairway, he just assisted him in opening the door and allowing him to walk out into the morning., The "Mona Lisa" was reinstalled in front of big crowds, and the incident was given a victory lap by the press., False: Vincenzo Peruggia ordered a painting of his wife, Leonardo he made images at greater distances more vivid, producing the illusion of shallow areas., Within Leonardo's lifetime, King François the First of France purchased the artwork and began displaying it., The empty spot where the "Mona Lisa" had hung didn't draw the attention of the crowd., Meanwhile, they questioned Pablo Picasso about his involvement in a previous Louvre robbery, and arrested him., Peruggia transported the "Mona Lisa" to Italy and prepared to sell it to a Florentine art collector while keeping the painting in a false-bottom suitcase.,

Why is theMona Lisa so Famous? Ted Ed


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