1) Where does black bin bag rubbish end up in the United Kingdom? a) Landfill b) Dustbin men take it away. c) Thrown in the sea! d) It is burnt 2) Where does black bin bag rubbish end up in the United Kingdom? a) Sold b) Dustbin men take it away. c) Some is recycled at a plant. d) It is burnt 3) Should we recycle our rubbish or throw it in the bin? a) Throw it in the bin, no! b) Recycle it, yes. 4) What can we upcycle? a) Old furniture b) Dogs c) Cats d) Medical waste e) light bulbs f) Wax boxes 5) Which of these things can we recycle? a) Windows b) Plastic c) Mirrors d) fish e) Monkey f) Polystyrene 6) What can we recycle? a) Hazardous chemicals b) Foam egg cartons c) Peanut packaging d) Bubble wrap e) Glass f) Styrofoam 7) What can we recycle from these items? a) Oil-Soaked Cardboard b) Tins c) Ceramic or Oven-Safe dishes. d) Aerosol Cans e) Plastic Bags f) Plastic Wrap 8) Can any of these things be recycled? a) Broken Glass b) Hardcover Books c) Plastic Shower Curtains d) Waxed Paper e) Paper and cardboard f) Old TVs 9) What can we recycle? a) Electronics b) Cleaning Products c) Clothes Hangers d) Mattresses e) Expired and Unused Medicines f) Food waste 10) Can any of these things be recycled? a) Garden waste b) Pyrex dishes c) car parts d) Rubber e) Toys f) lawn furniture 11) If we upcycle we save what? a) Raw materials b) Sugar c) water d) Fire e) Wind f) bees 12) If we upcycle and save raw materials our what is smaller? a) Feet b) Footprint in sand c) Jumping d) Carbon footprint e) Toes f) Left foot 13) Can we make money from upcycling old into new? a) No b) Yes 14) Is it fun to upcycle? a) Yes it is fun to upcycle. b) No it is boring. 15) I can learn to upcycle on what? a) Cooking programs b) You Tube c) Cinema d) News

Sustainability, landfill, upcycling and recycling. (SEND)


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