Spontaneous Generation - Hypothesis stating that life could arise from nonliving matter, Endosymbiotic Theory - theory that eukaryotic cells formed from a symbiosis among several different prokaryotic organism, Germ Theory of Disease - the principle that microorganisms cause disease, Ribosomes - organelles made of protein and RNA that direct protein synthesis in the cytoplasm, Prokaryotic Cells - cells without a nucleus or other membrane-bound organelles, Eukaryotic Cells - cells with a true nucleus, has membrane-bound organelles, Isotonic Solution - solute concentrations inside and outside the cell are equal, Hypertonic Solution - solute concentration outside the cell exceeds the inside of the cell, so water diffuses out of the cell and into the external medium; causing crenation, Hypotonic Solution - solute concentration inside the cell exceeds the outside of the cell, so water will move by osmosis into the cell causing the cell to swell and potentially lyse, 70s ribosomes - smaller ribosomes found in prokaryotes, Endospores - structures produced by bacteria and formed to cope with hard environmental conditions, Peptidoglycan - a major structure in bacterial cell walls (present in both G+ and G-), Mycolic Acid - characteristics on cell wall of members of the genus Mycobacterium, lipopolysaccharide - molecule that makes up the outer layer of the outer membrane of gram negative bacteria, glycocalyx - the “sugar coat”; viscous and gelatinous, usually sticky on bacteria cells, fimbriae - external structure allowing attachment rather than mobility, pili - usually longer and fewer than fimbriae, involved in attachment and motility, flagella - propel bacteria, made of chains of the protein flagellin, move toward or away from external stimuli (taxis), chemotaxis - chemical stimuli, phototaxis - light stimuli, osmotaxis - osmotic pressure stimuli, aerotaxis - oxygen stimuli, thermotaxis - temperature stimuli, flagella run - forward/directed movement, flagella tumble - no forward movement, Monotrichous - single flagellum, Amphitrichous - flagella at both poles of the cell, Lophotrichous - cluster of flagella at one or both end, Peritrichous - flagella distributed over the entire cell, 80s ribosomes - larger ribosomes found in eukaryotes,

BIOL20 Ch3: The Cell



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