What do you think is your best personality trait? Why?, Are you punctual?, Who is someone you know who is very laid back?, Are you a supportive person? How are you supportive?, Are you a responsible person? How are you responsible?, Who is the most punctual person you know?, What are two important attributes for your job? (for example punctuality and honesty, kindness and patience, etc) Why are these important?, Who is a very shy person you know?, Who is a very outgoing person that you know?, Are you more outgoing, or more shy?, Who is the most talkative person you know?, Do you like to work with other people or do you like to work alone? Why?, Is it necessary to be cheerful at work? Why or why not?, Are you punctual?, What is the most important attribute at your job? (for example: punctuality, honesty, kindness, patience), Who is someone you know who is moody? How are they moody?, Is your boss at work demanding? How are they demanding?, Is it good to be a demanding person? Why or why not?, Who is the most responsible person you know?, Who is someone you know who is very kind? How are they kind?, Who is someone you know who is very generous? How are they generous?, What is more important to you honesty, or kindness? Why?, Is it better to be laid back or energetic? Why?, Are you talkative at work, or quiet? Why?.
Personality Traits and Characteristics
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