loop - are elements in coding that refer to a block of code or a sequence of instructions meant to repeat several times, condtionals - are elements of the code that help the computer decide what to do next., debug - before developers can declare a code finished, they must painstakingly look for and repair any coding errors, variable - is a container. It holds a single value, such as a word, number, or text string that the developer can use throughout the entire process of writing the code, sequencing - the order that commands are executed by a computer, allows us to carry out tasks that have multiple steps, event - is a coding term that refers to a program response trigger., function - is any block of code that takes input, manipulates it, and produces any form of output., algorithm - is a sequence of instructions or a set of steps designed to solve a definite problem, drag-and-drop - is typically used in block-based programming, wherein coders select a block of code by left-clicking on it and, while holding the mouse button down, dragging it to the main writer or scripting platform, programming - (also known as coding) is the process of writing and building code that will, eventually, become a computer program,
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