he does, makes - Fa, she stays, is - Sta, we give - Diamo, you all give - Date, they make, do - Fanno, He, She, You formal give - Dà, I give - Do, I do, I make - Faccio, You give - Dai, We make, do - Facciamo, You are, stay - Stai, Francesca and I go - Andiamo, The friends give - Danno, I go - Vado, I am, I stay - Sto, The dogs go - Vanno, Giorgio e Giorgia are, stay - Stanno, You all are, stay - State, You make - Fai, Signor Dacchille goes - Va,

Verbi Irregolari, -ARE: andare, fare, dare, stare (coniugazioni)


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