sunny - the sun is shining, cloudy - there are many clouds in the sky, Rainy - there are regular periods of rain, snowy - there is snow falling from the sky, Windy - there is a lot of wind, degrees - Градуси, hot - the temperature is high, warm - a little hot, cold - the temperature in the air is low, freezing - it is very cold, with below-zero temperatures, Humid - there is a lot of water vapour (tiny drops of water), wet - there is water on the ground because it is raining, Dry - there is no rain or that it hasn’t rained in a long time, Lightning - a bright flash of electricity in the sky during a storm, thunder - the loud noise you hear during a storm caused by lightning, thunderstorm - a heavy rainstorm accompanied by thunder and lightning., snowstorm - a storm with lots of heavy snow falling., shower - a short period of rain, especially light rain., drizzle - light rain, hail - small balls of ice that fall like rain.,
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