ANCIENT : Begins with the earliest forms of writing, Pyramids are built in Egypt, Socrates and Plato state that all people should be accountable for their actions, The Roman Empire spreads throughout Europe, Begins about 3000 BCE, ENDS with the Fall of Rome in the year 476, MEDIEVAL: Islam becomes the religion of many, Lasts until about 1450, BEGINS after the Fall of Rome, Early part of this time is called The Dark Ages, Feudalism is the way of life for many people, There is a system that divides people into lords, knights, clergy, and peasants, The bubonic plague kills about half of the western European people, The Crusades take place, Illuminated manuscripts, handwritten copies of Holy Books are common , MODERN: Begins with the Renaissance, The scientific revolution begins, Leonardo DaVinici paints the Mona Lisa and invents many things, The printning press is invented, Begins about 1450, William Shakespeare writes 37 plays and 154 sonnets, A time of much religious reform and the birth of Protestantism,
Ancient, Medieval, or Modern
Nashua School District
Middle ages
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