Opera-glasses - Small binoculars for use in a theater, Footlights - A row of lights along the front of the stage in a theatre, Performance - An act of performing a play, piece of music, Dress rehearsal - Final rehearsal of a play, at which actors wear the costumes to be worn during the performances, Stalls - Seats in the part of a theater nearest to the stage, Dress-circle - Lowest gallery in a theatre, Scenery - The painted background, furniture used on a theater stage, Title role - The main character in a play, after whom the play is named, Matinee - A performance of a play in the afternoon, Folk - Traditional, popular, handed down from the past, Puppet - A model of a person or animal that you can move by pulling strings that are attached to parts of its body, Playwright - Person who writes plays, Cloak-room - A room where you can leave your coat, bags for a short time, Intermission - A short period of time between the parts of a play, Repertoire - All the plays, songs which a company, actor is prepared to perform,
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