al dente - Literally, “to the tooth”; refers to an item, such as pasta or vegetables, cooked until it is tender but still firm, not soft., arborio - A high-starch, short-grain rice traditionally used in the preparation of risotto., aromatics - Ingredients, such as herbs, spices, vegetables, citrus fruits, wines, and vinegar, used to enhance the flavor and fragrance of food., bacteria - Microscopic organisms., baste - To moisten food during cooking with pan drippings, sauce, or other liquid. Basting prevents food from drying out., blanch - To cook an item briefly in boiling water or hot fat before finishing or storing it., canape - An hors-d’oeuvre consisting of a small piece of bread or toast, often cut in a decorative shape, garnished with a savory spread or topping., carmelization - The process of browning sugar in the presence of heat. The temperature range in which sugar caramelizes is approximately 320° to 360°F/ 160° to 182°C., chiffon - A cake made by the foaming method that contains a high percentage of eggs and sugar and little if any fat., deviled - Meat, poultry, or other food seasoned with mustard, vinegar, and possibly other seasonings, coated with bread crumbs, and grilled.,
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