geosphere - earth's crust and interior is made of layers including a hot and mostly metallic inner core; a mantle of hot, soft, solid rock; and a crust of rock, soil and sediments, inner core - innermost layer of earth; made of solid metals, outer core - layer between the inner core and mantle; made of liquid metals, mantle - layer between outer core and crust; made of heated rock, crust - outermost layer of the earth; made of cooler rock, sphere - a round solid figure such as a ball, globe, and the earth, biosphere - the area of the earth where all life exists; "bio-" = life, hydrosphere - all the solid, liquid, and gas forms of water; "hydro-" = water, atmosphere - all the air surrounding the Earth; "atmo-" = air, rock cycle - processes that outlines how each of the three major rock types—igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary—form and break down, metamorphic rocks - are formed from rocks that are exposed to very high pressures and temperatures, igneous rocks - solidified rock formed by cooling lava or magma, sedimentary rocks - formed through deposition of sediments that have been weathered and eroded from other areas,
Earth Systems
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NEISD Science
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