hydrologic cycle - water cycle; "hydro-"=water; continuous circulation of water between the Earth and the atmosphere, precipitation - rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls to the ground, surface water - any water, in liquid form, that is on the Earth's surface; rivers, lakes, and oceans, groundwater - precipitation that soaks into the earth, aquifer - a body of rock and/or sediment that holds groundwater, Edwards Aquifer - aquifer that San Antonio gets its water from, watershed/drainage basins - an area of land where water drains downhill to the lowest point, Great Divide/Continental Divide - mountain range that divides the United States into east and west; east of the divide water flows toward Mississippi river and Gulf of Mexico and west of the divide it flows toward the Pacific, artificial reefs - a manmade structure that may mimic some of the characteristics of a natural reef; old oil rigs are often turned into reefs, Clean Water Act - federal law in the United States protects against water pollution, recharge zones - the place where water is able to seep into the ground and refill an aquifer; Edwards Aquifer has many recharge zones, pollution - the presence in or introduction into the environment of a substance or thing that has harmful or poisonous effects, point source pollution - any single identifiable source of pollution, non-point source pollution - pollution that does not come from a single source, groundwater depletion - long-term water-level declines caused by sustained groundwater pumping; this is can be avoided by regulating use,
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