The ____ releases estrogen and the female gamete, called the ova or egg. During the process of releasing the egg, called ____, the egg is then released from the ovary. Once the egg is released, it is transported by the ____, the finger like projections, to the fallopian tube where fertilization by a sperm may (or may not) occur. The ova continues to the end of the tube, into the ____, a muscular organ, where, if fertilization has occurred, the egg implants itself into the wall of the organ where the cells begin to divide and become a fetus. If fertilization did not occur, the organ will prepare to shed its lining. This shedding is called ____. The lining is shed through the small opening called the ____ (which also dilates for childbirth). Once it has passed through the small opening, it proceeds down the ____ to the outside of the body. This cycle takes place about every ____ days.

Fill in the blank female physiology


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