1) What made you choose this career?​ 2) What’s the most memorable compliment you’ve ever received for your work? What made it so memorable? ​ 3) If you could have dinner with anyone – dead or alive, real or imagined, who would it be and why? ​ 4) What do you wish you knew more about?​ 5) What are your strategies for dealing with positive and negative feedback?​ 6) How do you celebrate your successes?​ 7) What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received to apply to your career?​ 8) What is an example of a time you failed in this job? What did you learn from it?​ 9) If you were to give a class, what would you love to talk about?​ 10) What do you think of the concept of work-life balance? And how does it apply or not to your life? ​ 11) When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? And what skills from those aspirations apply to what you do now?​ 12) What would you change about this job if you could?​

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