Paraphrasing: The table gives data/ information/ figures/ statistics on…, The data/ figures/ statistics give information on differences in…, The tables on the right and on the left compare…, Both tables show percentages of…,, The two tables show the proportion of…, Overview: In summary,, Broadly, it can be seen, To summarize,, Overall,, Comparing: to be (more or less/ almost/ nearly/ virtually/ practically) identical/ the same, to be (extremely/ very/ fairly) similar, to be (exactly/ just/ almost/ nearly/ half/ a quarter) as… as…, to be (far/ much/ a great deal/ substantially/ considerably/ quite a lot/ somewhat/ slightly/ a bit/ a little/ a tiny bit) higher / lower / smaller / bigger (than…), A major difference is …, The biggest/ main difference between… and… is…, The most obvious difference/ The clearest difference…, Trends: To double/ triple/ quadruple, To halve, To lose half/ a third/ a quarter/ a… (of…), To increase/ grow/ go up, to decrease/ decline/ drop/ fall/ go down, There is an increase/ decrease in…, To remain (more or less) stable/ stay (approximately) the same/ not change much,
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