1) - How can technology be a force for good in addressing global challenges, and what are the potential risks if not managed properly? 2) - Do you think that relying heavily on technology for cognitive offloading has a depleting effect on our mental abilities? Why or why not? 3) - How do you decide whom to associate with and whom to avoid, especially when you encounter people you might consider riff-raff? 4) - Have you ever acted on a whim and regretted it later? What did you learn from that experience? 5) - What motivates you to venture to new and unfamiliar places, and how do these experiences shape your perspective on life? 6) - How do you think travel helps individuals recuperate from the stresses of daily life? 7) - How can artists and creators ensure that their work does justice to the subjects they portray? 8) - In what ways can cultural experiences seamlessly integrate into our daily lives, enriching our understanding of the world? 9) - How can taking time to reset to zero, such as through meditation or a digital detox, improve our overall well-being? 10) - By virtue of what qualities do you think a teacher can be considered truly exceptional? 11) - How can individuals and organizations act as a force for good in their communities, and what challenges might they face in doing so?

Questions B2-C1


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