1) The 12 Steps 2) Serenity 3) Learning to Let Go 4) Where are you in your Recovery Today 5) Threats to My Emotional Sobriety: What are They? 6) Resentments and What Do We Do About Them 7) Overcoming Self Pity 8) What are your Triggers? 9) Don’t Leave Before the Miracle Happens 10) How We Work the Program 11) Powerlessness 12) Emotional Sobriety 13) Knowing our own worth 14) Giving And Receiving Love 15) What it Takes to Stay Clean 16) The power of your Support Network 17) Having Expectations 18) Gratitude  19) Handling Anger 20) Higher Power 21) Being Honest 22) Growing Through Recovery 23) Daily Routines 24) Codependency 25) Taking a Daily Inventory 26) Sharing at meetings 27) Open-Mindedness 28) Perfectionism 29) Keeping the focus on ourselves 30) The Importance of Self Care 31) Having a Spiritual Awakening 32) Spirituality 33) Surrendering / Turning it Over 34) Sponsorship 35) Tolerance and Acceptance 36) The Power of Choice 37) One Day at a Time 38) Meditation 39) Lessons Learned in Program 40) The Need For Support 41) Recovery as a lifestyle 42) Easy does it 43) Self-Esteem 44) Living a Spiritual Life in a Material World 45) Doing the next right thing 46) Wisdom to Know the Difference 47) Resentments 48) Using the Phone 49) Denial and Blaming Others 50) Prayer 51) More will be Revealed 52) Participating in Our Recovery 53) Plan the Action—Not the Outcome 54) Acceptance 55) Finding Balance 56) Asking for Help 57) Addiction, a disease of isolation 58) First Things First 59) Look for the Similarites not the Differences 60) Progress not Perfection 61) Changing the Things We Can 62) The Wisdom to Know the Difference 63) Serenity to change the things we can 64) Recovery as a Lifestyle 65) Putting Our Own Recovery First 66) How important is it? 67) Keep an open mind 68) Let it begin with me 69) One Day At a Time (ODAT) 70) Keep it simple 71) Live and let live 72) Let go and let God 73) Just for today 74) Keep coming back 75) T.H.I.N.K. 76) P.A.U.S.E. 77) J.A.D.E. 78) Alcoholism as a disease 79) But for the grace of God 80) What is on your heart/mind?

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