plummy - (of a person's voice) having an accent thought typical of the English upper classes (English upper-class), gruff - hoarse or husky, raspy, shrill - having a loud and high sound that is unpleasant or painful to listen to , slurred - to not pronounce each word clearly, because one is drunk, ill, or sleepy, taut - strained, tense, and nervous sounding, velvety - smooth and pleasant to listen to, husky - low and rather rough, often in an attractive way, tremulous - shaky and weak, grating - harsh and unpleasant, annoying, mellifluous - smooth and gentle and very pleasant to listen to, high-pitched - (of a sound or voice) high, booming - deep and loud, whiny - high, complaining and unpleasant to listen to, hushed - (of speech or voice) deliberately quiet, whispered, matter-of-fact - authoritative, gravelly - deep and rough-sounding,

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