influence - the power to change something, professionalism - acting in a way that shows skill and good behavior at work, relations - connections between people and things, accomplishments - things you have done well, reflection - thinking carefully about something, predicting - saying what will happen in the future, performance - how well you do something, positive - good or hopeful, negative - bad or not hopeful, motivation - reason for doing something, behavior - how you act, success - achieving a goal, concept - an idea, perception - how you see or understand something, relationships - connections with people, organization - a group of people working together, interaction - talking or working with others, goals - things you want to achieve, stragegy - a plan to achieve a goal, values - things that are important to you, attitude - how you feel of or think about something, confident - sure about something, self-efficacy - belief in your ability to do something, self-concept - how you see yourself, intrinsic - belonging naturally, extrinsic - coming from outside, priorities - most important things, productive - getting a lot done, flexible - able to change easily, constraints - limits or restrictions,
Myers-Briggs Vocabulary
Workplace English
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