Producer - Organisms that use the sun to make their own food through photosynthesis., Consumer - Organisms that cannot make their own food and must eat other organisms., Carnivore - Kills and eats other animals., Scavenger - Consumes the carcasses of other animals, Decomposer - Chemically breaks down dead or decaying organisms., Herbivore - Consumes plants, Omnivore - Consumes both plants and animals, Detritivore - Consumes decaying plant and animal matter, Food Web - Shows the transfer of energy in an ecosystem and is more complex than a food chain. , Food Chain - Shows the transfer of energy in an ecosystem in a simple linear series of steps. , Energy Pyramid - Show the amount of energy in each level of a food chain or web., Trophic Levels - Each Step in a food chain or web, 10% - The average amount of energy within one trophic level that is transferred to the next level.,

Consumers and the Flow of Energy Through Ecosystems


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