When the company offered her a promotion, she was eager to ____. Despite the difficulties, he knew he had to ____ head-on. Completing the marathon seemed like ____, but she was determined to try. When offered the opportunity to travel abroad for work, he ____. I hope to ____ to present my ideas at the next meeting. She couldn't believe he would ____ to work with such an influential mentor. With so many qualified candidates, it was hard to know if he would even ____ of winning. The underdog team knew they were ____ of victory if they played their best. Solving the budget crisis will be ____ for the new management. The rapidly changing market conditions ____ to businesses trying to keep up ____ ____ the chance -> be eager to do something (keen, very excited) ____ ____ the chance -> decline/do not take advantage of a opportunity ____ the chance -> have the opportunity to do something (connotation: something rare or special, positive) ____ a chance -> have a possibility of succeeding (connotation: low chance) ____ ____ ____ a chance -> you have the possibility to have/get what you want ____ a challenge -> take on or tackle a challenge, attempt it ____ a challenge -> create a challenge which requires effort to overcome a ____ challenge -> describes a very hard challenge which seems to be overwhelming to ____ ____ ____ challenge -> successfully deal with a challenge a ____ challenge -> a big or difficult challenge

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