the items that you own that are worth money - assets, when funds are automatically taken out of an employee's paycheck and placed into a bank account - automatic deduction plan, A plan for making and spending money - budget, something, typically money, that is owed or due - debt, A detailed report of an individual's credit history - credit report, money spent - expense, the most common credit rating - Fair Isaac Corporation, costs that do not change each month - fixed expenses, expenses that change from month to month - flexible expenses, Amount of money earned before payroll taxes - gross income, money coming in - income, the price paid for the use of borrowed money - interest, an obligation to pay what you own - liability, a thing that is borrowed, especially a sum of money that is expected to be paid back with interest. - loan, small expenditures that you may not realize are consuming a larger portion of your income than expected - money wasters, the amount of money that is yours after paying debts - net income, the amount of money that is yours after paying off debt - net worth, the process of controlling personal income and expenses - personal financial management,
Pearson Chapter 2 Vocab
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