В - In (The owl is in the box.), На - On (The owl is on the box.), Поряд, біля - Next to (The owl is next the box.), Попереду - In front of (The owl is in front of the box.), Позаду - Behind (The owl is behind the box.), Під - Under (The owl is under the box.), Над - Above (The owl is above the box.), Між - Between (The owl is between 2 boxes.), Зліва - On the left (There is a car on the left.), Справа - On the right (There is a car on the right.), Навпроти - Opposite (They are opposite each other.), Посередині - In the middle of (The boy is in the middle of his friends.),

Prepositions of place


Fiches de révision est un modèle à composition non limitée. Il ne génère pas de points pour un classement.

Style visuel


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