(1st law) ____ An object in ____ will stay in motion at a ____ speed in a straight line unless ____ on by an ____ force. A driver should wear a seatbelt or other ____ systems to prevent being ejected from the vehicle during a crash. The more ____ an object has, the more ____ is required to cause it to ____. (3rd Law) For every ____, there is an ____ and ____ ____. As the rocket's engines expel gas ____ (action), the rocket is propelled ____ (reaction) with an equal force. ____ = ____ x ____ (2nd law) ____ is equal to ____ times ____. A person with a mass of 100 lbs. (about 45 kg), falling from a height of 10 meters, would experience an impact force of approximately 441.45 N. The Acceleration do to gravity is ____ F= ____ × 9.81m/s sqr. ≈ ____ Force is measured in ____, mass is measured in ____ and acceleration is measured in ____ ____.

Notes: Newton's "3 Laws of Motion"


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