Biomagnification - process by which the concentration of toxic substances increases in each link in the food chain, Bioremediation - use of biological agents to remove or neutralize contaminates in polluted soil or water , Deforestation - permanent destruction of forests to make land available for other uses, Non renewable resources - cannot be replaced by natural means: fossil fuels, coal, natural gas. It takes billions of years to form them, renewable resources - resources that are replaced naturally that can be used again: wind, solar, geothermal, biomass, Sustainability - the quality of not being harmful to the environment by depleting natural resources. Maintains long term ecological balance, Biodiversity - variety of all living things. , Habitat Loss - habitat that is no longer able to support its species., Over harvesting - overusing resources to the point of extinction. , Environmental Monitoring - used to describe the state of an environment. , Environmental Parameters - measurable characteristics. , Green house effect - heat trapped in earth's surface. , Seaweed - Receives energy from sunlight. , Cloning - Loss of genetic diversity. , GMO's - Adding more nutrients to the crop. , Biotechnology - Is used to modify or create DNA. , Limiting factors - restricts a population's size and slows or stops it from growing, Carrying capacity - maximum population size of a biological species that can be sustained by that specific environment,
Human impact and biodiversity
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