1) what food is most poplar in jamica a) jerk chicken b) ackee and saltfish 2) who's the most poplar singer in Jamaica a) b) sean paul 3) what colour is Jamaica flag a) green and black and yellow b) red  4) what's is the most famous flower in jamaica a) bird of paradise b) yew 5) what is the famous desset a) banana spilt  b) banana cake c) banana pie d) bananafritters 6) is Jamaica in the Caribbean  a) yes b) no c) maybe d) deffnntly not 7) what is Jamaica's saying a) wagwan b) good morning  c) afternoon 8) how long does it take it take to get to Jamaica a) 10hrs b) 1hr 9) who is the famous runner from Jamaica a) Mo Farrah b) usainbolt


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