1) The bonding and structure of: phosphorus a) metallic b) covalent molecular c) covalent network d) monoatomic 2) The bonding and structure of: argon a) metallic b) covalent molecular c) covalent network d) monoatomic 3) The bonding and structure of: silicon a) metallic b) covalent molecular c) covalent network d) monoatomic 4) The bonding and structure of: sulfur a) metallic b) covalent molecular c) covalent network d) monoatomic 5) The bonding and structure of: beryllium a) metallic b) covalent molecular c) covalent network d) monoatomic 6) The bonding and structure of: boron a) metallic b) covalent molecular c) covalent network d) monoatomic 7) Covalent radius is a) a measure of the size of an atom b) the energy required to remove one mole of electrons in the gaseous state c) a measure of the attraction an atom involved in a bond has for the electrons of the bond d) the screening effect e) increasing nuclear charge 8) Going along a period covalent radius a) increases due to increasing nuclear charge b) decreases due to increasing nuclear charge c) increases due to decreasing nuclear charge d) decreases due to decreasing nuclear charge 9) Going down a group covalent radius a) increases due to increasing number of occupied shells b) decreases due to increasing number of occupied shells c) increases due to decreasing number of occupied shells d) decreases due to decreasing number of occupied shells 10) Ionisation energy is a) a measure of the size of an atom b) a measure of the attraction an atom involved in a bond has for the electrons of the bond c) the energy required to remove one mole of electrons in the gaseous state d) the screening effect e) increasing nuclear charge 11) Going across a period ionisation energy a) increases due to increasing nuclear charge b) decreases due to increasing nuclear charge c) increases due to decreasing nuclear charge d) decreases due to decreasing nuclear charge 12) Going down a group ionisation energy a) increases due to outer electrons being more screened b) decreases due to outer electrons being more screened c) increases due to outer electrons being less screened d) decreases due to outer electrons being less screened 13) Electronegativity is a) a measure of the size of an atom b) a measure of the attraction an atom involved in a bond has for the electrons of the bond c) the energy required to remove one mole of electrons in the gaseous state d) the screening effect e) increasing nuclear charge 14) Going along a period electronegativity a) increases due to increasing nuclear charge b) decreases due to increasing nuclear charge c) increases due to decreasing nuclear charge d) decreases due to decreasing nuclear charge 15) Going down a group electronegativity a) increases due to outer electrons being more screened b) decreases due to outer electrons being more screened c) increases due to outer electrons being less screened d) decreases due to outer electrons being less screened

Higher Chemistry Unit 1: Periodicity



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