Cleft Lip - A gap in the upper lip that causes problems with eating, swallowing, speech, and appearance , Down Syndrome - Caused by the presence of an extra chromosome 21 may cause mental retardation, Cerebral Palsy - Problems with the motor system: lack of coordination, stiffness, difficulty with speech and paralysis , Spina Bifida - An incompletely formed spinal cord that can lead to paralysis, Tay-Sachs - The body cannot process and use certain fats- causes severe brain damage and death by age four, Sickle Cell Anemia - Malformed red blood cells interfere with the supply of oxygen to all parts of the body- causes tiredness and pain, Cystic Fibrosis - Affects the respiratory and digestive systems , Muscular Dystrophy - Progressive weakness and shrinking of the muscles, affects only males , PKU - The body cannot process and use a protein found in most foods- can lead to brain damage and mental retardation, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) - Causes facial deformities, hyperactivity, heart defects, and delayed physical growth, Tobacco Use - Causes low birth weight and premature birth, linked to respiratory infections and allergies in children , Cocaine Use - Infant goes through withdrawal, Causes miscarriage, stillbirths and premature births, babies at a higher risk for SIDS , X-rays - Radiation can cause birth defects , STD's - Can cause blindness, deafness, brain damage. Babies are delivered via a caesarean section to reduce any exposure that exists in the birth canal ,
Birth Defects
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