a mixture of gases that surrounds a planted moon - Atmosphere, The force with which air is pressed down by gravity is air pressure, - Air pressure , Upper most layer of Earth's atmosphere; has two layers ionosphere and exosphere - thermosphere, height above sea level or the earth's surface - altitude, the layer of the atmosphere between the stratosphere and thermosphere in which temp decreases as altitude increases - mesosphere, The transfer of energy through matter or space as electromagnetic waves (visible light or infred) - radiation, The transfer of heat through direct contact of materials of different temperature - conduction, the transfer of heat thru the movement of a fluid, either a gas or liquid - convection, The phenomenon whereby the earth's atmosphere traps solar radiation, caused by the presence in the atmosphere of gases such as carbon dioxide, water vapor, and methane. - greenhouse effect, The lowest layer of the atmoshere, in which temerature decreases at a constant rate as altitude increases - troposhere, the layer of the atmoshere that is above the troposhere and in which temperature increases as altitude increases - stratosphere,
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