Someone is humming behind you. What Zone would you be in?, You forgot to bring your homework to school. What Zone would you be in?, You woke up very early and forgot to eat breakfast. What Zone would you be in?, Someone asks you to play your favorite game. What Zone would you be in?, You tripped and dropped your lunch on the ground. What is the size of this problem?, You see two people hitting each other at recess. What is the size of this problem?, Someone bumped into you by accident and tells you that they are sorry. What is the size of this problem?, Someone is calling you names after you asked them to stop. What is the size of the problem?, Someone is poking you and it is starting to bother you. What would you do?, You lost a toy and can't find it anywhere. What would you do?, You see a group of people playing a game that you want to play too. What would you do?, Someone is talking about seriously hurting another person. What would you do?, Give an example of when you might be in the yellow zone., Give an example of when you might be in the green zone., Give an example of when you might be in the blue zone., Give an example of when you might be in the red zone..

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