1) Which receptor first detects a pain/pressure/heat stimuli? a) Nociceptors b) Motor Neurons c) Central Nervous System (CNS) d) Sensory Neurons 2) Nociceptors can be considered a first order neuron. Impulses from these travel to the: a) Spinal Cord or Brainstem b) Cortex c) Cerebrum d) Canary Islands 3) From the spinal cord/brianstem, the signal travels to the: a) Cortex b) Thalamus c) Cerebrum d) Spinal Cord or Brainstem 4) From the thalamus, the signal travels to the: a) Thalamus b) Spinal Chord or Brainstem c) Canary Islands d) Cortex 5) According to the gate control theory of pain, increased anxiety ____________ perception pain. a) Decreases b) Increases 6) According to the analgaesic ladder, pain should first be managed with; a) Nonopioid b) Weak Opioid c) Strong Opioid d) Morphine 7) If a nonopioid is not effective to manage, then the next step up would be a; a) Nonopioid b) Weak Opioid c) Strong Opioid d) Morphine 8) Finally, if pain is not controlled with the first two steps, a ________ may be used. a) Nonopioid b) Weak Opioid c) Strong Opioid d) Morphine 9) What does TENS stand for? a) Transient Enteral Nerve Supression b) Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation

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