What are some examples of mixed messages you've experienced in personal relationships, and how did they affect communication?, What can be done to diffuse a ridiculous confrontation before it escalates?, Is there a time when being unwilling to back down was beneficial, and when was it detrimental?, How do you typically react when something comes as a shock? Do you have a coping mechanism?, Who do you feel comfortable confiding in, and what factors make it easy to share personal thoughts with someone?, In your opinion, what are the key factors that contribute to someone being in remarkably good health?, Share a personal story where someone came to your aid during a difficult time. What impact did it have on you?, How do you prioritize your values when it comes down to making tough choices?, Who do you consider a role model for getting back on the straight and narrow, either in your personal life or in the public eye? What specific actions did they take that inspired you?,

mixed messages


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