1) I certainly don't agree with his --- that men are better drivers than women. a) allegiance b) assertion c) ubiquitous 2) Soldiers have to swear --- to the Crown/the King. a) allegiance b) conform c) disclosure 3) At our school, you were required to ---, and there was no place for originality. a) allegiance b) derby c) conform 4) The newspaper made damaging --- of management incompetence. a) allegiance b) disclosures c) assertions 5) A local --- between Manchester United and Manchester City has been cancelled. a) derby b) diehard c) lapse 6) Okay, so I am a --- Miami heat fan who hates Michael Jordan and prefers... a) assertion b) plausible c) diehard 7) I must have let my subscription --- , because I haven’t received any issues of the magazine in months. a) lapse b) diehard c) deter 8) He is quick to come up with a --- excuse.  a) deter b) plausible c) lapse 9) People said he was foolish to start his own business, but he didn't let that --- him. a) deter b) slump c) lapse 10) She ---- into the chair, exhausted. a) slumped b) deter c) conform 11) There was an --- silence when I asked whether my contract was going to be renewed. a) ubiquitous b) plausible c) ominous 12) The merger proved to be very ---- for both companies. a) ominous b) lucrative c) ubiquitous 13) The film movie is a reflection of the violence that ---- our culture. a) pervades b) conforms c) deters 14) The Swedes are not alone in finding their language under pressure from the ---- spread of English. a) ubiquitous b) ominous c) lucrative

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