10 Med ball alternating arm push-ups, 10 Med ball alternating lunge with a twist, 10 Med ball Figure 8 both directions, 10 Med ball Russian Twist, 10 Med ball Figure-8, 10 Superman roll rt/lt, 10 med ball wood chop each side, 10 Med ball v-sit sit up alternating legs, 10 med ball crab kick balance, 30 second leg hold (in air) head and shoulder blades off ground, 15 straight arm med ball crunches, 10 Med ball straight arm side twist , 15 med ball lower ab hip lift , 10 Med ball windshield wipers, 10 Squat medball throw/catch, 30 Med ball plank, 10 Med ball alternating leg ball touch, 15 Medball Slams, 20 Med ball mountain climbers, 30 second Med ball plank (feet on ball), 10 double leg lift over the ball left/right, 10 alternating single leg dead lift, 30 second medball straight arm 90 degree wall sit, 30 second med ball plank right leg up then switch left., 5 med ball burpees.
Med ball exercises
9th Grade
10th Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade
Physical education
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