assembly hall, school hall, great hall, a college or university where subjects are studied at an advanced level - higher education(al) institution, an exam that you take to be accepted into a school, etc. - entrance exam, a room in a school that is for the use of the teachers when they are not teaching - staffroom, a college building where students live - hall of residence, dormitory, a teacher of high rank in a college or university who has a lower rank than a professor - associate professor (доцент), learning something in order to be able to repeat it from memory, rather than in order to understand it - rote learning, learning by rote, repeat a year at school - keep back/down for another year, grade record book, class - period, studying away from the physical campus; often used for those unable to attend classes - extramural studies, doctor of philosophy: the highest college or university degree, or someone who has this - Doctor of Science/Arts; PhD, the subjects studied in a school, college, etc. and what each subject includes - curriculum, money that a student pays to a university for their teaching - tuition fees, tuition, to study again something you have already learned - go over, revise, review, study for an exam,
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