Allah appointed this brother of Musa to assist him in his mission to Egypt. Who was he? - Harun, Two prophets had to do something about the ship; one was Nuh, who was the other? - Prophet Yunus, He was the nephew of Prophet Ibrahim, also a prophet. Who was he? - Prophet Lut, He was the last of the Jewish prophets. Who was he? - Prophet Isa, He was a majestic and the richest prophet of all time. Who was he? - Prophet Sulaiman, This prophet had used iron for the first time for his armory. Who was he? - Prophet Dawud , This prophet had appointed a camel as a sign for his community. Who was the prophet? - Prophet Saleh, Among the father-son prophets mentioned in the Quran, they were the last. Who were they? - Prophet Zakariyyah and Prophet Yahya, Musa and Harun were two brother-prophets. There is another instance in the Quran where two brothers were prophets. Who were they? - Prophet Ismail and prophet Ishaq, This prophet is most frequently mentioned in the Quran. Who is that prophet? - Prophet Musa, When prophet Sulaiman was inspecting the troops, this bird was missing. What was that bird? - Hoopoe , In how many tribes the Children of Israel were divided at the time of prophet Musa? - 12 tribes, When this prophet was a young boy, he was sold as a slave by some traders, Who was he? - Prophet Yusuf,

Past prophet for Intermediate level part 1



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