neutrality - not supporting any side in a conflict, whiskey rebellion - rebellion started by Hamilton's tax on whiskey to pay off revolution debts, precedent - something that sets the example for how to act or, nationalism - a sense of pride, connection, support for ones country, foreign policy - ideas that directs the relationships and actions with other countries/states, domestic policy - ideas that directs the relationships and actions within the country with it's own people /states, judicial review - the idea that executive and legislative branches can be checked on by and possible invalidated/ vetoed by the Judicial branch, Democratic- Republican - Jefferson,strict view, weak central gov, against bank, farmers, political party - an organized group of people with similar ideas which seeks power to carry out the interests of its members, tariff - A tariff is a tax on imports or exports between sovereign states/ other countries., Federalist - Hamilton, loose view, strong central gov, for bank, merchants, unconstitutional - an act/ law that violate/ goes against the constitution, Constitutional - legal does not violate the constitution,

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