Many Ahadeeth narrate Hell would have certain number of doors. How many are generally mentioned? - Seven, In Hell the face and outfit of the dwellers would be smeared with this item. - Pitch or tar, Some fruits in the Hell will be shaped as snakes. Which tree will bear such a fruit? - Zaqum, Whips in Hell are made up of this metallic substance. - Iron, Heaven will contain type of tropical fruit of the genus Musa. - Banana, The garment in Heaven will be of this type of costly fabric. - Silk, Other than the rhizome flavored drink, another flavor of drink in Heaven would be this. Name the flavor. - Camphor, The available fragrance in Heaven would have this aroma. - Musk, A fountain by this name would be available in Heaven. - Salsabil, This word indicate the standard greeting in Heaven. - Salam, This word indicates one who is in authority or the angel appointed to preside over Hell. - Malik, On the day of Awaking, the disbelievers will be given books of deeds on their left hand and to their one side. What is that side? - To their back, During the Hereafter youths would pass around drinks to everybody. These youths are stated to be pure and compared with a precious item. What is that item? - Pearl, The dwellers of Heaven would be welcomed with a greeting of Salam and something would be spread out for them. What is that? - Carpet,

The Hereafter ( Advance quiz)



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