Your refrigerator broke. Repairs cost $200. Add this into your budget. Deduct another $150 to replace groceries., The sole of your shoe came off and you need new shoes. Spend $30, If you own a vehicle, it is time for a $40 oil change. If not, pay for a ride- you missed the bus., You spilled something hot and had to go to the ER. ($50 if insured, $500 if not). , You broke your finger at work. (Are you self-employed? Do you have sick leave)? , An ice storm took out the electricity and all your food went bad. Spend $175 on groceries. , You dropped and broke your cell phone. Replacement is $700. , You are applying for a new job and have to pay $50 for a background check. , Your underwear has holes in the wrong places. Spend $20. , You accidentally damaged someone's car with a shopping cart. Spend $500 , Your eyeglasses broke and you can't see without them. Spend $250, You've developed a cold and need over the counter meds. Spend $45., Your cell phone charger died. Again. Spend $15 , You spent $10 on a lottery ticket, but you won $50. Add $40 to your budget. , You borrowed your friend's car for the evening and got a speeding ticket. Spend $172, You just got fired from your job. Lose 1/2 of your income on the next check for time not worked. , You come home to see the fire department dousing your home. Did you have insurance? (See instructor) Skip rent this month, but spend $300 on new clothes. , Plan a summer vacation and start saving $100/month for it now. , Your insurance is going up $50 /month in addition to your current payment. , Your home was burglarized while you were gone; spend $500. , It is your friend's birthday and you buy a $50 gift. , You plan a date- spend $100., There is an out of state death in the family. Spend $150 to attend. , You won free tickets to a football game! Spend $40 on food and transportation. , Congratulations, you were the 9th caller and won $500 from a radio station! , In an online competition, you won $25. , You decided to dog-sit this weekend. Earn $30. , You took on a second job for the month, working 2 weekends as a waiter/waitress. Earn $300. .
Adulting 101
9th Grade
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11th Grade
12th Grade
Social studies
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