Zest - Lots of excitement and energy, Creativity - Thinking of new ways to do things, Appreciation of Beauty - Noticing and admiring the excellent things in life, Fairness - Treating people reasonably, justly, and with equality, Bravery - The courage to face challenges, threats, or difficulties., Gratitude - Feeling and expressing a deep sense of thankfulness in life, Love of Learning - A passion for new knowledge, Teamwork - Working well with others, Honesty - A strong belief in the truth, Curiosity - Enjoying discovering and asking questions, Forgiveness - The ability to let go of things that have happened in the past., Humor - Funny and amusing, Hope - Positivity about the future, Perspective - Seeing the bigger picture in life, Perseverance - Sticking with things even when they are tough, Judgement - Making good, well thought-out decisions, Love - Valuing close relationships with others, Prudence - Acting carefully and cautiously, looking to avoid unnecessary risks, Kindness - Being nice to others, Leadership - Organizing and helping to bring people together, Spirituality - Belief in a sense of purpose or meaning in your life, Self-Regulation - Managing my feelings and actions, Social Intelligence - Being aware of and understanding your feelings and thoughts, as well as the feelings of those around you, Humility - Not bragging, not seeking the spotlight, not viewing yourself as more special or important than others,

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