1) What is the first stage of a frog's life cycle? a) The first stage is a tadpole. b) The first stage is an egg. c) The first stage is a froglet. 2) How do tadpoles breathe underwater? a) They use their noses. b) They cannot breathe underwater. c) They use their gills. 3) Where do frogs lay their eggs? a) They lay them in a pond. b) They lay them in the sea. c) They lay them on the land. 4) How does a butterfly begin its life? a) It begins its life as a pupa. b) It begins its life as an egg. c) It begins its life as a caterpillar. 5) What does the caterpillar do with the skin that it outgrows? a) It sheds it. b) It eats it. c) It plays with it. 6) What is the earth mostly covered with? a) It is mostly covered with land. b) It is mostly covered with trees. c) It is mostly covered with water. 7) What do we call water when it is a gas? a) We call it water vapor. b) We call it precipitation. c) We call it a river. 8) What happens when the clouds get heavy with water? a) The clouds keep the water. b) The water falls to the ground as rain. c) The clouds disappear. 9) What does 'amphibian' mean? a) It means able to walk on land. b) It means being able to live in water and on land. c) It means to shed leaves. 10) What does 'Life Cycle' mean? a) The stages of life from when you are young. b) The stages of life when you are an adult. c) The stages of life from birth to adult.

L&L Cycles in Nature Domain Assessment


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