adorable - inspiring great affection or delight., applicable - relevant or appropriate., considerable - notably large in size., reasonable - having sound judgement; fair and sensible., renewable - not depleted when used., valuable - extremely useful or important., enjoyable - giving delight or pleasure., remarkable - worthy of attention; striking., noticeable - easily seen or noticed; clear or apparent., knowledgeable - intelligent and well informed., possible - able to be done or achieved., sensible - done with wisdom., credible - able to be believed; convincing., visible - able to be seen., horrible - very unpleasant., terrible - extremely bad or serious., destructible - able to be destroyed., indestructible - not able to be destroyed., reversible - able to be turned the other way round., digestible -  break down (food) in the alimentary canal into substances that can be absorbed and used by the body, incredible - impossible to believe., audible - able to be heard., combustible - able to catch fire and burn easily., negligible - insignificant.,

able and ible definitions



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