the money you earn from a job each year, usually paid monthly. Example: My ___________ is paid every two weeks. - salary, to receive a higher position or rank at work. Example: I hope to ________ to manager this year. - get promoted, a notice that tells people about a product or service. Example: I saw an _________for a new job in the newspaper. - advertisement, lasting for a long time and not changing. Example:I just got a ________position at the bank - permanent, to manage or control how a business works. Example: He wants to ___his own company one day. - run (company), lasting for a short time and not permanent. Example:This job is _________, but it helps me earn money. - temporary, to have fewer workers in a company because of bad work. Example: Many workers were upset when they learned they would be ______. - be downsized, to do more hours than usual at your job. Example: Sometimes, I have to work _______to finish my tasks. - work overtime, to stop working after many years and usually receive benefits. Example:My uncle will _________next year after working for thirty years.  - retire, the money you earn from work, often paid weekly or hourly. Example: The _______for this job is very low, but I like it. - wage, to work for yourself and not be tied to one employer. Example: I plan to ___________and work from home soon. - freelance, to ask for a job or position in writing or in person Example: She wants to ______a new job next month. - apply for, to choose to leave your job on your own Example: She decided to ____from her job because she wanted to travel. - resign, to make something ready for use or start it. Example: I need to ________ my new computer at work today. - set up, to lose your job because of a decision by your boss. Example: He is worried he might ________ if he doesn’t improve his performance. - be fired,



ફ્લેશ કાર્ડ્સ એ ઓપન-એન્ડેડ ટેમ્પલેટ છે. તે લીડરબોર્ડ માટે સ્કોર જનરેટ કરતું નથી.

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