1) How do you divide the word pigpen? a) pig/pen b) pi/gpen c) pigp/en 2) How do you divide the word sunset? a) suns/et b) sun/set c) sunse/t 3) How do you divide the word tablet? a) ta/blet b) table/t c) tab/let 4) How do you divide the word magnet? a) ma/gnet b) m/agnet c) mag/net 5) How do you divide the word coffin? a) cof/fin b) coffi/n c) co/ffin 6) How do you divide the word basket? a) bas/ket b) ba/sket c) bask/et 7) How do you divide the word rustic? a) rus/tic b) ru/stic c) rusti/c 8) How do you divide the word droplet? a) dropl/et b) drop/let c) dr/oplet 9) How do you divide the word ribbon? a) rib/bon b) ribb/on c) ri/bbon 10) How do you divide the word napkin? a) napk/in b) na/pkin c) nap/kin 11) How do you divide the word fabric? a) fa/bric b) f/abric c) fab/ric 12) How do you divide the word goblin? a) go/blin b) gob/lin c) gobli/n 13) How do you divide the word pencil? a) pen/cil b) pe/ncil c) penc/il 14) How do you divide the word contest? a) con/test b) cont/est c) co/ntest 15) How do you divide the word picnic? a) picni/c b) pi/cnic c) pic/nic 16) How do you divide the word sandal? a) san/dal b) sa/ndal c) sand/al 17) How do you divide the word batman? a) batm/an b) ba/tman c) bat/man 18) How do you divide the word bathtub? a) bath/tub b) batht/ub c) ba/thtub 19) How do you divide the word laptop? a) la/ptop b) lap/top c) lapt/op 20) How do you divide the word carpet? a) car/pet b) ca/rpet c) carpe/t 21) How do you divide the word children? a) chil/dren b) ch/ildren c) childr/en 22) How do you divide the word hundred? a) hu/ndred b) hun/dred c) hundre/d 23) How do you divide the word happen? a) happe/n b) ha/ppen c) hap/pen 24) How do you divide the word himself? a) him/self b) hi/mself c) h/imself 25) How do you divide the word system? a) syste/m b) syst/em c) sys/tem 26) How do you divide the word problem? a) pro/blem b) prob/lem c) proble/m 27) How do you divide the word suspend? a) sus/pend b) su/spend c) suspen/d 28) How do you divide the word conduct? a) co/nduct b) condu/ct c) con/duct 29) How do you divide the word tennis? a) ten/nis b) tenni/s c) te/nnis 30) How do you divide the word fragment? a) fragme/nt b) fragmen/t c) frag/ment 31) How do you divide the word comment? a) co/mment b) commen/t c) com/ment 32) How do you divide the word tonsil? a) to/nsil b) ton/sil c) t/onsil 33) How do you divide the word context? a) con/text b) c/ontext c) conte/xt 34) How do you divide the word splendid? a) splen/did b) sp/lendid c) splend/id 35) How do you divide the word cactus? a) cact/us b) ca/ctus c) cac/tus 36) How do you divide the word magnet? a) mag/net b) ma/gnet c) magne/t 37) How do you divide the word basket? a) bas/ket b) ba/sket c) b/asket 38) How do you divide the word magnetic? a) mag/net/ic b) ma/gnet/ic c) m/agneti/c 39) How do you divide the word basketball? a) ba/sk/et/ba/ll b) bas/ket/ball c) b/a/s/k/e/t/b/a/l/l 40) How do you divide the word fantastic? a) fan/tastic b) fan/tas/tic c) fantasti/c 41) How do you divide the word dinner? a) d/inner b) dinne/r c) din/ner 42) How do you divide the word fossil? a) foss/il b) fo/ssil c) fos/sil 43) How do you divide the word hidden? a) hidde/n b) h/idden c) hid/den 44) How do you divide the word hammer? a) ham/mer b) ha/mmer c) hamm/er 45) How do you divide the word sister? a) s/ister b) sis/ter c) sist/er 46) How do you divide the word number? a) num/ber b) n/umber c) nu/mber 47) How do you divide the word pencil? a) p/encil b) pen/cil c) penc/il 48) How do you divide the word wedding? a) wed/ding b) we/dding c) wedd/ing 49) How do you divide the word helmet? a) h/elmet b) he/lmet c) hel/met 50) How do you divide the word submit? a) s/ubmit b) su/bmit c) sub/mit
Closed syllable division CVCCVC
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עריכת תוכן
לוח תוצאות מובילות
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הצג פחות
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