1) What is the name of Odysseus's wife? a) Telemachus b) Penelope c) Aeolus d) Calypso e) Circe f) Athena 2) What is the name of Odysseus's son? a) Eurycleia b) Eupithes c) Laertes d) Nausicaa e) Telemachus f) Zeus 3) Who is the Odysseus? a) A King of Ithaca b) The son of Penelope c) God of the sea d) King of the Phaecians e) King of Mycenae f) Master of the winds 4) Who is the Aeolus? a) King of Phaeacians b) Master of the winds c) Odysseus'mother d) Odysseus's dog e) A goddess-nymph f) A goddees-enchantress 5) Who is the Circe? a) A goddess-enchantress b) A nymph c) King of Mycenae d) Master of winds e) Odysseus's dog f) Odysseus's mother 6) Who is Tiresias? a) a goddess b) a blind dead prophet c) shipmate of Odysseus d) Master of winds e) Odysseus' s mother f) Odysseus's dog 7) Who gave Odysseus moly? a) Zeus b) Athena c) Hermes d) Aphrodite e) Calypso f) Circe

Homer Odyssey Characters

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