1) spooder man a) ?? b) ??? c) ?? d) 2) spoonge man a) ??? b) ?? c) ?? d) 3) brocobami a) ??? b) ?? c) ?? 4) Tonkis a) ??? b) ?? c) ?? 5) tantose a) ??? b) ?? c) ?? 6) humbidy dumbidy a) ?? b) ?? c) ?? 7) ur mom a) ?? b) ?? 8) ur dad a) ?? b) ??? 9) lololololol a) b) c) d) 10) krusty kerb a) b) c) d) 11) is he smart a) duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! b) nuh uh! c) !@#$%^&*) MOMKE d) eh 12) who is tis? a) ree kid b) yodel kid c) "oh no, the table, its broken!" kid d) some dude i dont know 13) where is Shrek a) here b) there c) everywhere d) 14) find the meme a) meme b) yes c) no d) mabey so e) hopfully f) eh.. 15) if doge breaks into your house, what do you do? a) give him a bitcoin b) throw a meme at him c) punch doge d) twirk on doge e) run f) play deads 16) if you were shrek, what would you do. a) throw donkey to the universe b) throw donkey out of the swamp c) throw donkey to the outervers d) throw donkey in the water e) twerk on donkey once you threw him f) be nice to donkey 17) POV, you get new shoes a) "SHEEEEEEESH!!" b) "Noice" c) OH NO, THEY'RE COLORED WHITE!!" 18) feesh a) b) c)



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