Objective - Expectation statement for student learning stated in behavioral terms that can be measured. , Benchmark - The standard or point of reference against which things may be compared or assessed, Bloom's Taxonomy - Hierarchy of various levels of thought divided into 6 levels arranged from lowest to highest skills, Competency - Statement of what students should know and be able to do. (CTE), Course plan - Detailed outline of what a particular teacher will teach throughout the course of a year based on the teacher and student circumstances. , Critical Thinking - Identifying and evaluating evidence to guide decision making. , Curriculum - Courses offered or taught in a school along with what is to be taught within each course. , Curriculum Alignment - When the local academic standards of a school coordinate with the state. , Standard - Statements of what teachers are required to teach and students are required to learn. (Academic), Enrichment Activity - Enhance understanding and allows for creativity in learning. , Horizontal Alignmenet - Same material is being taught across different classrooms in the same grade level. , Questioning - A strategy used to encourage many levels of thought, Vertical Alignment - Curriculum is scaffolded so that information learned in a lower grade or prior course prepares them for more advanced work. , Time on Task - The amount of time a student is engaged the learning process. , Wait Time - A pause between asking a question and accepting an answer.,

Curriculum Vocabulary



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