1) How do you spell /us/ at the end of a multi syllable word? a) us b) use c) ous 2) If you need the /cl/ /cul/ sound at the end of a multi-syllable word you should spell it a) only as cul b) only as c?l c) only as cle or kle d) Ask Frank by tying it as "cl" 3) If your word ends in an /L/ sound with no blend and it's an consonant LE syllable you should a) spell the /l/ as le b) spell the /l/ as tle (with a silent t) c) spell the /l/ as el 4) ATE at the end of a multi-syllable word can say a) /ate/ b) /it/ c) /ate/ or /it/ 5) Which word is spelled correctly? (You can use Frank if you don't know it.) a) candel b) candle c) candul 6) Which word is spelled correctly? (You can use Frank if you don't know it.) a) Bible b) Bibel c) Bibal d) Bibul 7) Which word is spelled correctly? (You can use Frank if you don't know it.) a) shrapnul b) shrapnle c) shrapnel 8) Which word is spelled correctly? (You can use Frank if you don't know it.) a) pickel b) piccle c) pickle d) picle

Barton Level 6 Review with a focus on Consonant le


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