awareness - the state of having understanding or knowledge, hemisphere - A "half sphere",used to refer to one one-half of the globe when divided into North and South or East and West, distort - to twist out of shape or change the size of , culture - a set of beliefs, behaviors; and traits shared by a group of people, physical map - a map that shows land and water features, political map - a map that shows the names and borders of countries, special purpose map - a map that shows themes or patterns such as climate, natural resources, or population, migration - the movement from of people from one place to another place, cardinal directions - North, South, East, West, latitude lines - imaginary lines that circle the earth parallel to the equator, longitude lines - imaginary lines that circle the earth from the north Pole to the South Pole . measuring distance east or west of the prime meridian, choropleth - a special-purpose map that uses color to show population density, projection - a way of showing the round earth on a flat map, theme - a topic that is studied or a special quality that connects ideas, Compass Rose - tells direction on a map; shows North, East, South and West, Continent - the seven largest bodies of land around the world, Geography - the study of Earth, Anthropology /Anthropologist - is the study of human beings and their cultures, from prehistoric times to today. , Archeology/Archeologist - is the study of things that people made, used, and left behind. The goal of this type of study is to understand what people of the past were like and how they lived. , Paleontology/Paleontologist - is the study of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago. Scientists study the remains of these ancient organisms, or living things.,

Review- Unit 1: Geography Vocabulary



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